Sir Keith Mills, Chef von Teamorigin, im Originalton: “After three years of waiting in the wings to enter a British team in the America’s Cup I am bitterly disappointed that we will not be competing. However, the format and timetable decided by the Defender, BMW/Oracle, is simply not viable for TEAMORIGIN. We have assembled an outstanding team, led by Grant Simmer and Ben Ainslie, and I am personally very sorry that they won’t now get the chance to race for a British team in the next America’s Cup”.
TEAMORIGIN wird auf deren Webseite noch direkter, mit der simplen Analyse: "... Sir Keith has concluded that the 34th America’s Cup is neither viable commercially, nor an attractive sporting contest for TEAMORIGIN."
"Kein attraktiver sportlicher Wettkampf" (!). Verstanden, Sir Keith.
Für das Foto ein erneuter Dank an die Royal Australian Navy.