Boris und Felix sind wieder unterwegs. Bevor es die üblichen laufenden Berichte von Bord gibt, präsentiert Lobster One exklusive Fotos und Informationen von Jim Bolland.
Jim hat sich neben dem Segeln und der Segelmacherei in Wellington der maritimen Malerei verschrieben. Seine Bilder vom America's Cup Herausforderer NZL 38 gingen um die Welt, als die "Black Magic" den Cup 1995 gewann und nach Neuseeland holte.
Jims kurzer Bericht vom Start sieht so aus:
It was blowing fresh from the NNW for the start of leg three on Wellington Harbor this afternoon. The start was at 1415 local time and 'Cabo de Hornos' made a great start and sailed away from the rest to lead at Point Halswell by about a minute.
Mowgli had a slight lead on 'Beluga Racer' and was standing out to weather of the German boys, feeding them some disturbed air, right from the start, until they rounded Point Halswell.
Jim Bolland/A Brush with Sail ein ganz herzlicher Dank für die Fotos vom Start in Wellington, die er für Lobster One und A Brush with Sail geschossen hat:Mowgli had a slight lead on 'Beluga Racer' and was standing out to weather of the German boys, feeding them some disturbed air, right from the start, until they rounded Point Halswell.
'Cabo de Hornos' approaches Point Halswell, with nearly a minute on the rest of the fleet. (rechts)
Once around Point Halswell, the tables were turned and 'Beluga Racer' was working out to weather and affecting the air on 'Mowgli. (unten)